枯草热,花粉病(由于吸入空气中的花粉而引起的鼻、眼、喉部的过敏症) an illness that affects the nose, eyes and throat and is caused by pollen from plants that is breathed in from the air
Hay fever is an affliction which arrives at an early age. 枯草热是年纪较小时会患的一种病。
Rainy weather brings blessed relief to hay fever victims. 雨天会给枯草热患者带来欣喜,减轻他们的痛苦。
She's a victim of the dreaded hay fever 她患上了花粉热这种讨厌的病症。
Hay fever affects males more than females. 男性的花粉热感染率比女性高。
When hay fever first occurs it is often mistaken for a summer cold. 花粉病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。
You can also control hay fever by showering when you come in from outside to remove pollen from your hair and skin. 当你从外面回到家中时也可以洗个澡来赶走你头发和皮肤上的花粉。
Then they examined whether the children had allergic conditions including asthma, eczema and hay fever. 然后他们调查这些孩子是否患有哮喘、湿疹或花粉病等过敏症。
A: I have hay fever. 我得了花粉热。
The immunologist says I've got hay fever. 免疫学教授说我得了干草热。
Objective To discuss the sickness and the relevant instances caused by the hay fever of Artemisia pollen. 目的探讨由蒿属等花粉症引起的疾病及相关情况。
Good news for all you hay fever and asthma sufferers. 对花粉热和哮喘病的患者来说是个好消息。
Studies have shown that Nasaleze significantly reduces the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and hay fever caused by pollen and dust mites. 研究已经表明Nasaleze能显著减轻变态反应性鼻炎和枯草热的症状,枯草热是由花粉和尘螨引起的变态反应。
I get hay fever just looking at it. 光是看着它都花粉过敏。
We sneezed a lot with hay fever. 我们得了花粉热,老是打喷嚏。
Fortunately, there is a range of products available to treat the symptoms of hay fever. 所幸的是,有一系列的产品可供治疗的症状,花粉症。
Antihistamine is often used to treat hay fever and insect bites. 抗组胺药常用于治疗花粉热和昆虫叮咬。
I don't like spring because I have hay fever. 我不喜欢春天是因为我有过敏性花粉症。
This drug is prescribed to treat hay fever. 这种药经医师处方用以治疗枯草热。
Birch pollen, one of the most common causes of hay fever in Britain. 在英国,桦树花粉是花粉症的最常见诱因之一。
The presence of pollen in the atmosphere causes hay fever in some people. 大气中花粉的存在使一些人患了花粉热。
There are numerous medicines that can be used to relieve the symptoms of hay fever. 有很多不同的药对花粉症的治疗有一定的效果。
Common allergies include eczema, asthma, hay fever, food allergies and reaction to venom when stung by insects etc. 一般过敏症包括湿疹、哮喘、花粉症、食物过敏及因被某些昆虫叮咬接触毒液后的敏感现象等等。
The most common form, atopic eczema, is seen in people with a predisposition to allergies, like hay fever or asthma. 最常见的湿疹为特应性湿疹,与干草热与哮喘相似,见于过敏性体质人群。
Hay fever sufferers have a worse time when the pollen count is high. 花粉计数高时,枯草热患者的日子就更不好过了。
Has had hay fever all his life. 他一生下来就一直患枯草热。
He is a chronic sufferer from hay fever and detest gardens. 他是一位慢性干草热和厌花症患者。
These tablets are used to help relieve hay fever and symptoms due to allergies. 这种药用来缓解花粉热及其他因过敏引发的症状。
We get colds in winter and hay fever in summer, and if a wasp happens to sting one of us, well, that is the wasp's initiative, not ours; 冬天里,我们会得感冒;夏天里,我们会得花粉病。要是一只黄蜂碰巧蜇到我们,那体现了黄蜂的主动性,而不是我们人类的主动性;
See your GP if you think you have hay fever. 看到你的家庭医生,如果你认为你有花粉症。
I'm having treatment for my hay fever. 我害上了花粉热,正在治疗。